TEXT OFF | May 4th | Main Auditorium

Posted: April 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

On Wednesday May 4th, TRUE will play host to our 2011 Text Off Competition. With a NEW IPOD NANO MULTI-TOUCH and other prizes awarded only to the best, what’s holding you back from showing your speed?

Check out the details:

:: FREE Gourmet Popcorn & Cokes for everyone.
:: 2011 Text Off Competition: 
battle anyone and everyone to see who has the fastest hands in the west.
:: Electric DJ: 
come here DJ Serg, who has taken his electronic beats all around the world.
:: Live Band 
and everything else you’ve come to know and love here at True. 
Doors Open at 6:30pm. Event Launches at 7:00pm.  Event is FREE, & is open to guys and girls grades 7th-12th.

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